Enjoy Life Pain-Free: Improve Your Posture Now

Hello everyone βœ‹

Bad posture is a real issue not just to the aging population but to people of all age groups. Asymmetry in the bodily posture may not only cause body aches but also shocking symptoms like indigestion, headaches and breathing difficulties.

I am presenting you today a Guest post on this topic written by Jennifer McGregor, a pre-med student, who can help you understand the importance of postural care. You can also check her website https://publichealthlibrary.org

Dr. Juri Sharma of The 3H: Health, Happiness, Healing shares ever-evolving knowledge and research in the health field.

Do you ever find yourself slouching over your keyboard or slumping in your chair? Poor posture isn’t just unattractive, it can also lead to a variety of health issues. Improving your posture can also benefit your overall well-being. Building back muscle strength, improving sleep habits, investing in ergonomics, stretching, and visiting the chiropractor can all contribute to better posture, which can lead to a body that feels better and a more confident you. In this article from The 3H: Health, Happiness, Healing, we’ll discuss some simple ways to start improving your posture, and the many benefits of doing so.

Build Your Back Muscles

In addition to the many other benefits of exercise, strengthening your back also helps to strengthen the muscles that support good posture. Some exercises to consider include pull-ups, presses, and rows. Building a strong back can also help prevent pain and injury that can be caused by poor posture.

Staying active by working in regular walking sessions is also a good way to build up your back. Walking can contribute to the strengthening of back muscles through its low-impact, repetitive motion. When you walk, the muscles in your back are engaged to maintain proper posture and stability. Look for a walkablearea to get in your steps – these areas have high Walk Scores of 70 and above.

Improve Your Sleep Habits

The way you sleep can have a significant impact on your posture. Sleeping on your stomach can place strain on your neck and spine or cause you to twist your spine unnaturally. Switch to sleeping on your back or side, and invest in a firmer mattress to better support your spine. Additionally, as USA Today points out, adding a pillow between your legs while sleeping on your side can alleviate pressure on your lower back.

Invest in Ergonomic Furniture

Sitting for long periods in an office can cause back pain and poor posture, making it essential to invest in ergonomic furniture. Ergonomic chairs with lumbar support and adjustable standing desks are two practical options that can help alleviate these problems. By making these investments, you can enhance your overall comfort and well-being throughout the workday.

Stretch and Practice Yoga

Adding stretching and yoga to your daily routine can benefit both your physical and mental well-being. Regular stretching helps to alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility while practicing yoga enhances mind-body awareness and can improve posture. By incorporating these practices into your day, you can experience greater overall health and wellness.

Mind Your Sitting Posture

Although sitting may seem like a relaxing idea, Medical News Today points out that it can affect your overall posture. Sit with your feet flat on the floor or propped up, with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. If you notice yourself slouching, remind yourself to maintain good posture by pushing your head and upper back into the backrest of the chair. 

Finally, keep in mind that good posture isn’t just about looking good, it’s about feeling good, too. Poor posture can make you appear shorter and less confident, whereas good posture exudes self-assurance, as evidenced by celebrities and their successful careers (learn more here). So, stand tall and perform your daily tasks intentionally, with your shoulders back and head held high.

Stay Motivated with Visual Cues

Consider making motivational wall art and posting it by your workstation as a reminder to maintain your posture. Motivational posters remind you of your goals, aspirations, and the importance of perseverance. They also have the potential to foster a more positive mindset and contribute to increased productivity and well-being. You can use images to enhance the message, so get started with a free online poster maker that will personalize wall art.

Improving your posture can do more than just make you look better. It can lead to less pain and injury, better sleep, and a boost in overall confidence. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine to achieve a healthier, happier you. Don’t forget to visit your chiropractor regularly, and keep your medical documents organized by converting them into PDFs. You’ll soon see the benefits of good posture in all aspects of your life. So, start today and get ready to stand tall and feel great.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love πŸ™

10 facts about nutty Nutmeg πŸ™Œ

Hello everyone βœ‹

1.Nutmeg is an oval shaped spice seed commonly found in our kitchen. A native spice of Indonesia but is now popular in many cuisines used in both sweet and savoury dishes. It is available as a whole spice and as well as powdered.

2.Anti inflammatory: Studies have shown that nutmeg is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds which help by inhibiting the enzymes that promotes the inflammation process.

3.Antioxidants: It contains powerful antioxidants which reduces oxidative stress and keep the free radical damage under control. Therefore, it’s consumption can help in controlling the progress of certain chronic conditions like neuro degerative diseases, some cancers and heart ailments.

4.Indigestion: Nutmeg has been found to be beneficial when consumed during indigestion, abdominal discomfort and flatulence.

5.Antibacterial: Because of it’s antibacterial properties, it is effective against acne when applied in powdered form along with cinnamon and honey. It is also very helpful in cases of dental cavities, bad breath and gum inflammation.

6.Insomnia: Studies have shown that this spice helps in aiding sleep by improving both the duration and quality. Adding a pinch of nutmeg in a glass of milk before bedtime can do the trick. Research have shown that it can boost libido in men and is also a potential anti-depressant. But further studies are needed in these aspects.

7.Common cold: Since it is rich in anti bacterial properties, it is useful in cases of rhinitis and common cold.

8.Nutrition: It is a source of wide variety of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A,C,E and minerals like maganese, magnesium, zinc and iron.

9.Toxicity: Small amount of consumption as less than 2 grams is quite safe. But consumption of larger quantity can lead to serious toxicity or even death. Cases of nutmeg toxicity has been reported in the past when used in larger quantity for recreational purposes or due to ignorance.

10.Uses: Nutmeg is a common ingredient used in various European, Indian, Asian cooking, baking dishes, curries etc. Also, we can sprinkle it in our breakfast cereal, coffee, milk, or fruit salad to add the nutty flavor.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love πŸ™

Wordless Wednesday πŸƒ

Tuesday quote 🌻

Thanks for reading πŸ™

Peace and love πŸƒ

Post : Sorry 😐 isn’t enough!

Hello everyone! Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend ahead πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


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Blessings and much love to all πŸ’•πŸ’

Post : Feeling resentful 😠 3 simple approaches !

Hello Everyone! Have a great day πŸ™‹πŸ»

Resentment is a common feeling. We, all must have harboured at some point in life. It is a feeling of anger or a sense of bitterness after an unfair incident, an event that has happened to us. It may happen very often in our everyday lives. Resentment can be felt from as simple as rude behaviour or unfair comment from a friend to as large as issues like racism or religion.
The immediate reaction after we feel resentful is an emotion of anger,hurt, pain, annoyance or even shame. Very often, we get affected so much that we start to harbour a feeling of revenge. The emotion gets trapped when we are unable to express our feeling of bitterness after the hurtful experience. It may come from either a true situation or a misunderstood situation of injustice.

How emotion of resentment get trapped in us from different situations?
Any kind of tense relationship maybe between partners, a colleague with a boss, or between friends.
*A feeling of fear or avoidance to confront the person or similar situation.
*A feeling of regret, low or dejected.
*Continuously ruminating the strong emotion against the incident, person or experience.

  • In a normal healthy individual, though there is an immediate feeling of pain, hurt, annoyance after the experience, you tend to overcome the feeling by letting go. Thinking it as a part and parcel of life or just an unfair or bad experience in life. Moving away from the negative situation or the negative person.
  • Or maybe, thinking that we have misinterpreted the person or the situation.

But the real problem arises when it started to affect our mental health. The resentful feeling continues to ride over us in spite of trying to let go of or trying to move on from the person or the experience. We started to develop a fear, negative attitude for every similar situation or person in our lives. It affects slowly our every perception of reality. We start looking at every situation with a negative outlook. We start having fear and fail to trust people. It becomes difficult to hope for positive outcomes. We, finally land up in the hands of a Therapist or counsellor.

So, the simple approaches, how we can help ourselves get over it.

1.Practice self-compassion: Compassion over self is a key to all kinds of negative situations, experiences or persons, we encounter in life. Holding self-compassion helps us to give a sense of security which is important. It helps us to restore our self-identity, self-worth which otherwise have the fear of losing if resentment is held up for a long time. Self-compassion helps us to overcome the feeling of lowness or less.

2.Being empathetic: We deal with people every day. There are both good and bad experiences of people with us. So, trying to empathize and understand the other person’s perspective or the circumstances which influence the behaviour will surely reduce the feeling of resentment. Many times, we may have misunderstood or the person who did it may not have realised that it can be hurtful.

3.Practice Gratitude: Practising gratitude and thankfulness for everything, everyone we have in our life is important. It gives us a sense of security and wholeness. So, unfair treatment or unfair incident can be overlooked with ease as they hold hardly any value to the beautiful life we lead. If we focus on how privileged and fortunate we are in life, harbouring resentful feelings look just meaningless.

Thanks for reading !

Blessings and much love to all πŸ’

Post: Daily detox diet πŸ™Œ

Dear friends, hope you all are doing good !

Leading a healthy life isn’t enough to maintain a state of wellbeing or make us disease-free. A lot has to do with our mental state of health too. Daily, we feed ourselves with a lot of unwanted, unhealthy emotions which not only harm us mentally but detriment our physical health too, causing a diseased state in the long run.

Normally, people, like you and me when in emotional good health, are aware of our behaviour, thoughts, feelings and emotions. We have learned to deal with the daily stress and grind of our daily lives. However, sometimes, some sudden disruptions may happen in life which may greatly affect our emotional health. Certain unwanted situations, like the death of a loved one, suffering from an illness, fired from a job, financial issues, divorce and a lot more. All such kind of situations can build up trapped emotions in us like a looming sadness, stress, anxiety, depression. Even good news like the arrival of a baby, or joining a new job can build up unwanted stress in the body.

Now, we all know that thoughts and emotions greatly affect our both physical and mental health. Feelings of worthlessness, helplessness and hopelessness can build up chronic stress in the body. It is directly indicating that something isn’t right in our mind and body balance. That is the reason, people with chronic stress state suffer from high blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, thyroid issues, insomnia, gastric ulceration and so on. We are already aware that chronic stress can increase inflammatory processes in the body. And chronic inflammation is the most common causative factor of diseases like Cancers.

So, how do we do detox daily from this emotional baggage ?

1.Wider Perspective about life: From the time you are born, you start having a defensive mechanism against threat or loss in life. So, it is your natural tendency to give more importance to the bad than the good. You always keep worrying about the bad and forget about the good side of life. So, we have to have a broader perspective about life, understand the realities. Death is inevitable to all of us. So, instead of worrying about the bad of what has happened or what is going to happen, focus on the positive aspect of life, all the good things around us, the Gratitude and the Blessings. Feeling the present moment as much as we can. All of them have a powerful impact on both physical and emotional health. So, every day and throughout the day be in awe of your Blessing and gratefulness. This gives you an emotional resilience and strength to deal with potential threats and stress. Build upon your creativity, the talent which you have never explored. The more you open up to life, the more resilient you become. So, daily give yourself time, do whatever you enjoy doing, forgetting all your worries and stress. Though it is easy to say than done, it’s a practise, a habit, we need to form and follow.

2.Trapped Emotions: Never let any negative emotion to be build up within. Let go your anger, pain, hurt, stress, sorrow, frustration. Always remember, nothing is permanent here in this life, not even the life itself. We all have to go one day. So, what is the point in holding back emotions which seems meaningless afterwards? What is the point in holding anger or frustration which harm us from within? So, letting go of your negative attitude and emotions is the only solutions. Every day, make sure you release, forgive and forget all the negative emotions that you felt for the day before going down to bed.

3.Invest in your health: We need to invest in our health both physically and mentally. Take out time every day for your wellbeing. Exercise, meditate, go for Nature’s walk will help you let out your strong emotions within you. Talking to your friend, your partner or anyone whom you rely upon can help you let out the negative emotions. This is important because sharing helps you to lessen your emotional baggage. Last but not least, love yourself, eat healthily and try having a good night sleep every day.

Thanks for reading.

Take care. Much love to all πŸ’

Post : Anger πŸ˜‘πŸ‘Ώ

Hello Everyone, Have a wonderful Sunday β˜€οΈβ˜ΊοΈ

My Sunday Inspiration :

Thanks for reading.

Take care. Much love to all πŸ’