10 facts to know about chia seeds 🙌

1.Originally from Guatemala and Mexico, Chia seeds also called Salba seeds are grown from a flowering plant. Its known widely for its medicinal benefits. These seeds are rich sources of antioxidants and polyphenols like quercetin, chlorogenic, kaempferol and caffeic acid. They are plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, mostly alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) and nutrients rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus that support the immune system. Because of its immense health benefits, it has been commercially grown across the globe to meet the demands.

2.Antioxidant-rich chia seeds can remove oxidative stress by destroying the free radicals in the body. Having it regularly can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, lower the risk of diabetes by improving blood sugar, reduce inflammatory diseases and lower blood pressure. Due to its high calcium content, it helps to maintain bone health, and nerve and muscle function.

3.Though it is a rich source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, but eating only chia seeds may not be enough. Other sources of Omega-3 fatty acids like flax seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts etc need to be taken to complete the body’s requirement to prevent developing chronic diseases. Research has shown that having regular Omega-3 fatty acids can maintain heart health, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and eczema.

4.Chia seeds are used mainly for healthy weight management. Since the seeds are rich in fibres, they absorb plenty of water, and expand in the stomach. They give a sensation of fullness in the stomach making you eat less. Therefore, it is good for weight management and reduces bloating and belly fat. The rich fibres in the seeds are also good for gut health by providing food for the gut microbiome.

5.Medications: People who have already known cases of diabetes and hypertension and have been using medication for the lowering of blood pressure and blood sugar can use chia seeds but with precautions. Having a teaspoon of the seeds with the physician’s supervision can cause no harm. However, having in big amount can further lower the blood pressure and blood sugar leading to complications.

6.In spite of it’s great health benefits, chia seeds can sometimes cause some issues. Eating in big quantities can further complicate certain conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, in some cases, they can cause diarrhoea, constipation and bloating. Due to it’s fibre content, the seeds are difficult to digest when having in large quantities. Like other seeds, it can be allergic to some individuals. So, having 1-2 teaspoonfuls is recommended normally rather than having a big quantity to prevent complications.

7.Chia seeds are tiny seeds which break easily. Many people use them in either whole form or in powdered form. Sprinkling a teaspoon full of chia seeds in your breakfast bowl of oatmeal, smoothies, and soups are common. Soaking them overnight and using them as chia sprouts is very beneficial. Chia pudding is commonly used as well by mixing them with milk or juice. Ideally, chia seeds are soaked in liquid or sprinkled over meal so that the seeds expand before eating is useful rather than having them directly.

8.The consumption of a high-fibre diet which is a healthy requirement of the body can cause dehydration due to the pulling of water from the tissues. So, chia seeds can be added to your drinking water which can help you remain hydrated throughout the day and also along with meals, this way, the nutrient-dense of the seeds can also be received.

9.Another cosmetic benefit of chia seeds that needed to be mention is that these seeds are good for skin maintainence, reducing skin pigmentation and dark spots. Due to the presence of omega-3-fatty acids, polyphenols and other nutrients, it can prevent or lessen the UV damage to skin. They are good for hair as well and can be used as hair mask.

10.Like all other superfoods, chia seeds should be consumed daily, not more than 25-30 grams per day, or 1-2 teaspoonful daily. They are cooling agents as they retain water in the body and keep you hydrated. Ideally, they should be consumed after soaking them overnight in water to get the maximum benefits.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

10 facts to know why Nature Bath is essential and worth knowing 🙌

1. Shinrin Yoku is a Japanese idea which means relaxing in nature or forest. So, the concept of Nature bath originated from this idea. The concept simply means spending time in nature or strolling and breathing the clean air in the woods. It’s not about running, jogging or hiking in the woods to lose weight or increase the heart rate. It is a calming stroll or a simple walk in nature, being aware of the surroundings by the five senses. It has been approved by many studies to have tremendous benefits for mental and brain health as well as positive impact on the immune system.

2. For centuries, people were roaming around in forests, and woods for food, livestock, hunting and other purposes. So, this was not a new thing in the human race. But, in today’s time of urbanization stressful life, competition, and spending hours on social media, people hardly have time for a simple walk in the forest or a park nearby. Recent studies by different researchers like Japanese Medical doctor Qing Li have urged the significance and enormous health benefits gained by this simple outdoor activity. Li pointed out that a simple touch, look, listening and smell in the woods can greatly impact the overall wellbeing.

3.Studies show that trees release phytoncides, a chemical which they liberate to protect them in nature from insects, has several health benefits. While strolling in the woods, when we inhale this compound, our body releases more natural killer cells, a type of white blood cells which help in fighting viral bourne diseases and even cancers. It has also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal qualities and supports the immune system.

4.Several studies have shown that strolling among trees helps to breathe an extra supply of oxygen and take away the daily stress stimuli by lowering the cortisol level. It also means the sympathetic nervous system can be slowly taken over by the parasympathetic nervous system and concentrate on relaxation and healing. The blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate, all of them, coming back to the normal level.

5. As already mentioned, phytoncides released by plants and trees have a regulatory effect on the human moods too. Studies shows that some types of phytoncides like anti depressant beta-pinene has direct effect on mood and help in reducing anxiety, anger and depression. It has anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Phytoncides helps the mind with clarity, focus and calming effect which makes it better eqipped to handle stress.

6.Other phytoncides named alpha-pinene released from trees and plants have many health benefits. Due to its calming, sedative properties, it has a direct effect on sleep and overall mental health. It improves sleep, releases stress, and reduces body pain, apart from anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties which strengthen immunity.

7.According to Dr Qing Li’s book “Forest Bathing”, the healing power lies in connecting the five senses to nature. It is simply a slow walk in nature, leaving behind your phone and other gadgets, and being mindful of the surrounding. Breathing fresh air with an extra supply of oxygen, listening to the chirping of birds, the breeze, the touch of leaves, soil, the smell of the woods, and lying on the ground, all of these simple activities are stress busters.These activities releases the happy hormones and lowers cortisol. The natural inhaling of phytoncides are immunity boosters and powerful healers. A small amount of time spent can have a great impact on health and well-being.

8.You don’t need a forest or woods. Wherever there are trees, anywhere, everywhere, maybe in hot, cold or snowy weather, or maybe in a park or garden, you can do forest bathing.
In case, it is not possible, make some time to spend on your balcony among the planted pots.
In some way or another, nature does have a beneficial impact on health as a stress buster. Other therapeutic activities which can be done in an open environment with trees are meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, painting, pottery and so on.

9.Forest bathing is very helpful in the recovery phase of people affected with various illnesses including cancers. Trees releasing phytoncides aid in immune cell response and help in increasing the responses of anti-cancer proteins like granulysin, perforin and granzymes. It helps in increasing the count of naturally killer cells which helps to fight the tumour cells.
Since it lowers the cortisol, it slows down the heart rate and lowers the blood pressure. It elevates the mood and has a calming effect on mental health.

10.In an urban scenario, people might think that forest bathing is just not possible in a busy life. But,taking a little time off from noisy, stressful environment, without the cellphone and other gadgets for a short stroll in a nearby park or garden can definitely reduce the stress level and have a calming effect on the mood. Any such opportunity in your busy routine life can make a big difference on the health and wellbeing.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

10 facts to know about your gut flora 🙌

Hello everyone 🤗

  1. The gut flora is mainly composed of trillions of gut microbiomes which are mainly bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea. This is unique to every individual and develops in his/her lifetime, as distinctive as the fingerprint. Initially, the intestinal tract of a newborn at birth is sterile. The newborn’s gut is first colonised by the mother’s bacteria during the process of vaginal delivery. Environmental bacteria also start colonising in the baby’s gut as soon as it is exposed after birth. Then, slowly the child’s gut starts developing into a unique microbiome flora depending upon the different food intake and environmental exposures with time.
  2. The gut starts having both good and bad bacteria with different kinds of food and environmental exposures. Good bacteria mainly help in the digestion and absorption of the food and nutrients. They strengthen the immune system and produce several beneficial amino acids and vitamins. The more, the good bacteria population, the healthier the person and the stronger the immunity, in his lifetime. They are simply the protectors of our health and well-being.

3. There are bad bacteria also in our intestinal gut flora. As long as they are low in level, they remain harmless. But then, when we take antibiotics or develop unhealthy food choices and habits, smoking, drinking alcohol and so on, the good bacterial flora is at risk and starts eliminating. In such cases, bad bacterial flora starts flourishing causing havoc in the immune system leading to various diseased states. Chronic inflammation starts progressing leading to autoimmune diseases, cancers, and inflammatory bowel diseases.

4. As research has progressed, studies have found links between bacterial species in the gut to certain types of diseases. Metabolic diseases like obesity and type 2 diabetes are found to be linked with the presence of certain bacterial species of Lactobacillus.
New studies have shown strong evidence of gut kidney connection. Certain species of bacteria in the gut microbiome result in uremic toxins while digesting protein which may be a factor in developing chronic kidney diseases. Several studies have shown a link of depression to the gut microbiome. Various bacterial species like Eggerthella and Sellimonas are found at high levels in individuals with depressive symptoms.

5.The gut-brain connection plays an important role in a person’s well-being. That is why the gut is known as the “second brain”. The gut nervous system can be called the Enteric Nervous System, which has around 100 million nerve cells from the oesophagus to the anal opening. The main functions of this system are digestion, absorption of nutrients, and release of enzymes for food breakdown. Studies show that irritation in the GI tract may trigger the central nervous system to change moods. The gut microbiome also produces hormones like serotonin, and norepinephrine which are important for mood changes. Therefore, there is a strong connection between depression and anxiety in people who deal with gut issues like irritable bowel diseases, stomach upset, pain, and constipation.

6.The signs of a healthy gut are the regular pooping habit, which may be 2-3 times a day to 3-4 times a week, the range can vary with every individual. There is no pain, no bloating after eating, and no discomfort during bowel movement. Symptoms like bloating, diarrhoea, stomach pain, feeling of fullness after eating or malnutrition can be the signs of an unhealthy gut or tigger for slowly increase in bad bacteria. In such cases, clinical attention is required to investigate and diagnose any bowel issues.

Sugar rich foods

7.The common triggers which may lead to an unhealthy gut can be too much stress, constant fatigue, sleep disturbances, ultra-processed food, a sugar-rich diet, and too little intake of fluids. The frequent use of antibiotics has a link to an unhealthy gut. Therefore, these lifestyle habits need to be avoided as practically as possible. Skin conditions like psoriasis do have a link to an unhealthy gut too.

Natural foods

8. The common ways that we can take care of our gut health and improve the good bacteria count are by having a fibre-rich diet with plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits. A diet rich in whole grains, legumes, pulses, nuts and sea fishes. Lowering the sugar-rich foods, limiting the everyday stress, and remaining hydrated as possible. Intermittent fasting is beneficial too for gut health and flora.

Fermented foods

9. Another important food for our gut health is fermented food as they are rich in probiotics. Plain yogurt, buttermilk, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha to name in the list. There can be other varieties of fermented food too which can be local or region-specific around the globe. Any food which is fermented or sprouting can be excellent for gut health as it increases the lactobacilli and keeps the growth of bad bacteria checked.

Walking in nature
Gratitude journal

10. So, the simple tips to take care of gut health are to have more and more fibres and probiotics daily, curtail sugar as much as possible, stay hydrated, keep out of stress, meditate to calming mind like walking in nature or listening to music, exercising, mild to moderate ways, practising gratitude journal every day increases happy hormones and trying to maintain a sleep routine. Ultimately, the best way to live a longer and healthier life is to live in harmony with nature.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

10 hard facts about Alopecia Areata 🙌

  1. What is Alopecia areata? About 150 million people around the globe suffer from this autoimmune disorder presently. Alopecia Areata is characterized by smaller to wider patches of hair loss in the scalp irrespective of race, gender, or age. Though the exact aetiology is unknown, it tends to be hereditary.
  2. Research believes, most of the cases appear to have a positive family history of this disorder. Families with a positive history of vitiligo, thyroiditis, lupus or other autoimmune disorders have this disorder of alopecia. The exact cause is still not known why the body’s immune system starts attacking the hair follicles causing these patches of baldness. Studies initially showed that all races are equally affected. However, recent studies show that females are more affected than males and African Americans, and Hispanics are more affected than Asians.
  3. Usually, the hair loss patches are involved in smaller areas of the scalp region. But may also include the entire scalp known as alopecia totalis. It may sometimes involve the entire body known as alopecia universalis. Sometimes, the hair loss is prominent in the bottom back of the scalp known as ophiasis alopecia areata.

4. The course of the disorder starts with the sudden loss of small patches of hair on the scalp, beard, eyebrows or any part of the body. There is sudden thinning of the hair, followed by broken hair and finally hair falls off in patches. In some cases, the hair regrows. But in most cases, the patches extend and widen affecting bigger areas. Rarely, the progression is a complete loss of hair in the body.

5.The diagnosis is usually by physical examination. However, to confirm the diagnosis, blood tests, and a biopsy of the scalp, and hair for lab analysis. The family history and medical history of autoimmune disorders are to be considered. Once diagnosed, the disorder has no cure but needs to be managed.

6.Various treatment options are available depending upon the progression and uniqueness. Oral and intravenous corticosteroids are used. Phototherapy and immunotherapy are used in more severe cases. Sometimes, platelet-rich plasma is used to replace the blood from the body to stimulate fresh hair growth. Herbal remedies should be used under expert supervision. Treatment may or may not respond depending upon the severity.

7.Whenever you have noticed such symptoms, it is important to confirm the disorder by health care provider. Though the disorder has no cure, it can be managed or in some cases reduced or controlled by various treatment options. Cosmetic techniques are available too to manage hair loss patches.

8.When you have alopecia areata, you should avoid stress as symptoms may aggravate. Sun protection is required as hair naturally protects our skin and eye guard/sunglasses should be used due to lack of eyelashes. Considerable amounts of vitamins and mineral supplements should be taken under physician supervision to minimize hair loss. A well-balanced diet is essential.

Release stress

9.All hair loss doesn’t mean that you are affected by alopecia. Emotional stress or physical stress regularly for prolonged periods leads to hair loss. Menopausal, ageing and poor diet can also lead to hair loss. In most of these cases, the hair loss is temporary.

10.When you have alopecia or hair loss, gentle hair products with no parabens, or silicons should be used. Tightly tied hair or too much hair styling should be avoided. The use of harsh chemicals, hot oil hair treatments, rollers, curlers etc should be avoided. It is also better to avoid smoking as some studies do suggest it.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

‘New Year’ wishes 🙌

First of all, I am incredibly appreciative that I get to celebrate another new year with the Supreme and all of my beautiful bloggers.

Let us hope that this new year, with its 365 fresh days, will bring us growth, positivity, action, hope, and the drive to achieve our objectives. Not to mention to make time for our loved ones and family.

Both failure and success are fleeting. The capacity to continue going forward is most important.

I’m wishing everyone a wonderful and prosperous 2024 New Year !

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

10 facts to know about fatty liver 🙌

1. What is fatty liver? As the name rightly suggests, is a state when there is a build-up of fat in the liver. It can happen in 2 ways – Nonalcoholic and Alcoholic fatty liver types.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver is a common type where the cause is not exactly known but may be due to obesity, belly fat or chronic conditions like diabetes. Simple fatty liver is the condition, where there is fat in the liver but there is no inflammation, damage to liver cells or other complications. Alcoholic fatty liver is a serious type which is related to drinking alcohol.

  1. Simple fatty liver remains most of the time undiagnosed unless you end up doing a liver enzyme test and liver function test. When the liver enzymes Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Serum aspartate aminotransferase are mildly elevated are indicative of simple fatty liver. When liver enzymes SGPT (Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) and SGOT(Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase) show increased levels are indicative of liver cell damage and liver inflammation.

3.To deal with a fatty liver, first and foremost , reducing belly fat and losing weight is essential. To start incorporating organic food in diet like cruciferous vegetables broccoli, cabbages, cauliflower, spinach, sulphur rich vegetables like onion, garlic which are also loaded with glutathione. Organic food is primarily good for the liver because they are free from pesticides, fungicides and GMOs (genetically modified organism) which are harmful to the liver’s health. GMO food like soya bean, canola or some breeds of corn are unhealthy for the body.

4.Fasting :Intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting, not only help in losing weight but also stimulate autophagy in the body. Autophagy is the body’s renewal mechanism of cleaning the debris of damaged cells and recycling some parts of them towards cell repair. Usually, 12-16 hour long fasting is beneficial but the most effective is 16 hours long which will also facilitate fat burning. Other methods to stimulate autophagy are drinking coffee or a cold bath. Fasting helps to reduce inflammation and level of the liver enzymes.

5.Lifestyle changes: Dietary changes like avoiding sugar, and saturated fat, reducing salt intake and switching to organic food are beneficial. Portion control while eating helps the quantity intake during meals. Moderate to high intense exercises and increase in physical activity during daytime, permanently eliminating alcohol, maintaining sleep routine and remaining stress-free as far as possible contribute to liver health.

6.Detoxification: Cleaning toxins from the body routinely not only benefits the liver but the overall body from harmful abuse. Some food items which naturally detox the liver are high fibre-rich oatmeal, green tea which is rich in antioxidants, avacado rich in healthy fat and fibre, olive oil rich in antioxidants and helps to reduce LDL cholesterol and free radical damage.
Fatty fishes like salmon, and sardines which are high in Omega 3 fatty acid, is a healthy fat that promotes liver health and prevent damage to liver cells. Liver friendly nuts are almonds and walnuts. Tofu, which is high in protein helps to prevent the accumulation of fat in liver cells.
Whole grains and unprocessed cereals help to break down the fat in the liver cells by preventing them from accumulating in the cells.

7.Herbs: A natural herb called milk thistle has been used for centuries to improve liver diseases. Research studies have been carried out to study its evidence on liver health. Some reports do suggest that it has a beneficial effect on liver diseases like cirrhosis and hepatitis. Studies have shown Milk thistles do show improvement in cholesterol levels and insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes. Some studies show that it is a natural antioxidant and increases the level of Glutathione. But, the most important advise is before trying a herb, we need to consult our Physician.
Other herbs which are beneficial for the liver are green tea, cucurmin, licorice and ginseng.

8.Tocotrienols primarily are the unsaturated form of vitamin E which are naturally found in rice, wheat, vegetable oils and cereals like barley. Tocotrienols are strong antioxidants and anti- inflammatory which prevent damage to liver cells. Studies show that tocotrienols can lower cholesterol, and lower the risk of stroke, and cancer. In the liver, it can help to prevent damage to liver cells by maintaining the liver cell integrety.

9.TUDGA: Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDGA) is a bile acid found naturally in humans. Medical practitioners use it to treat conditions like liver cirrhosis, reduce cholesterol levels, some cancers, and cystic fibrosis. Studies have shown that TUDGA used as a supplements do benefit liver health, heart, liver diseases, stroke and cancer. Due to possible side effects, and daily dosage, a physician needs to be strictly consulted before using such supplement.

10.Drinking plenty of water: Last but not least, the easiest way to promote liver health is by drinking plenty of water. Water consumption helps to knock down the harmful toxins from liver cells. Dehydration of bile ducts can increase the risk of gallstones. So,drinking water is very vital.
Not all drinks, sodas and soft drinks are liver-friendly. So, clear water is the most beneficial drink for releasing toxins from the liver. Adding a piece of ginger or a few lemon drops in the water can be helpful.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

10 facts to know about Matcha 🍵

Hello everyone! Have a wonderful day ✋

1. Matcha is powdered from processed green tea leaves which originated in East Asia, now widely produced in Japan. Back in the 16th century, the method of preparing matcha tea and serving became a ritual among Zen Buddhists. From then onwards, the Japanese Tea Ceremony has become widely popular, not only in Buddhist monasteries but also among the common people.

  1. The scientific name of the plant Camellia Sinensis from which matcha is derived, is a shade- grown green tea plant usually covered from direct sunlight to ensure slow growth. The slow growth results in a darker shade of green, which is a high level of chlorophyll. This type of harvest technique causes more production of amino acids threonine and caffeine.
  2. Matcha is highly rich in antioxidants due to its high amino acid content. So, regular intake can prevent free radical damage in the body and can prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases. The tea flavonoids have anti-inflammatory properties too.
  3. Studies have shown that since matcha contains high levels of caffeine and L-threonine, it is highly beneficial for brain functions. Regular consumption can improve the memory, alertness and focus of the mind.

5.Some research studies have shown that regular intake of matcha helps in the prevention of cancer. But, further studies are still required to have concrete proof. As matcha is rich in catechin, more precisely Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is found to have high anti-cancer properties. It also improves the efficacy of certain chemotherapeutic drugs.

6.Matcha tea has great skin health benefits. Regular intake or adding topically as a skin care mask can give healthy glowing skin. It can also be used for its therapeutic benefits for skin conditions like psoriasis, keratosis, rosacea and wound healing.

7.Matcha is good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Studies have indicated that the presence of EGCG, which is rich in catechin has many therapeutic properties such as anti- atherosclerotic, anti-myocardial infarction, anti-cardiac hypertrophy, anti-inflammatory and also anti-diabetic. It aids in weight loss too.

8.Matcha tea which is organically grown is safest. Sometimes, inferior or poor-quality matcha tea may contain excess of pesticides and lead which may cause harmful effects on the body. So, the reputed quality of matcha tea is only recommended.

9.According to the US Food Drug Administration, a daily intake of not more than 400mg is recommended. Excess intake may lead to caffeine overdose which causes side effects like anxiety, fast heart rate, insomnia, headache and nausea.

10.Matcha tea is usually taken as a warm beverage. But, because of its immense popularity, matcha is served as a Latte, in ice-cream, cocktails, sodas, cookies, pancakes and so on.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

Enjoy Life Pain-Free: Improve Your Posture Now

Hello everyone ✋

Bad posture is a real issue not just to the aging population but to people of all age groups. Asymmetry in the bodily posture may not only cause body aches but also shocking symptoms like indigestion, headaches and breathing difficulties.

I am presenting you today a Guest post on this topic written by Jennifer McGregor, a pre-med student, who can help you understand the importance of postural care. You can also check her website https://publichealthlibrary.org

Dr. Juri Sharma of The 3H: Health, Happiness, Healing shares ever-evolving knowledge and research in the health field.

Do you ever find yourself slouching over your keyboard or slumping in your chair? Poor posture isn’t just unattractive, it can also lead to a variety of health issues. Improving your posture can also benefit your overall well-being. Building back muscle strength, improving sleep habits, investing in ergonomics, stretching, and visiting the chiropractor can all contribute to better posture, which can lead to a body that feels better and a more confident you. In this article from The 3H: Health, Happiness, Healing, we’ll discuss some simple ways to start improving your posture, and the many benefits of doing so.

Build Your Back Muscles

In addition to the many other benefits of exercise, strengthening your back also helps to strengthen the muscles that support good posture. Some exercises to consider include pull-ups, presses, and rows. Building a strong back can also help prevent pain and injury that can be caused by poor posture.

Staying active by working in regular walking sessions is also a good way to build up your back. Walking can contribute to the strengthening of back muscles through its low-impact, repetitive motion. When you walk, the muscles in your back are engaged to maintain proper posture and stability. Look for a walkablearea to get in your steps – these areas have high Walk Scores of 70 and above.

Improve Your Sleep Habits

The way you sleep can have a significant impact on your posture. Sleeping on your stomach can place strain on your neck and spine or cause you to twist your spine unnaturally. Switch to sleeping on your back or side, and invest in a firmer mattress to better support your spine. Additionally, as USA Today points out, adding a pillow between your legs while sleeping on your side can alleviate pressure on your lower back.

Invest in Ergonomic Furniture

Sitting for long periods in an office can cause back pain and poor posture, making it essential to invest in ergonomic furniture. Ergonomic chairs with lumbar support and adjustable standing desks are two practical options that can help alleviate these problems. By making these investments, you can enhance your overall comfort and well-being throughout the workday.

Stretch and Practice Yoga

Adding stretching and yoga to your daily routine can benefit both your physical and mental well-being. Regular stretching helps to alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility while practicing yoga enhances mind-body awareness and can improve posture. By incorporating these practices into your day, you can experience greater overall health and wellness.

Mind Your Sitting Posture

Although sitting may seem like a relaxing idea, Medical News Today points out that it can affect your overall posture. Sit with your feet flat on the floor or propped up, with your back straight and your shoulders relaxed. If you notice yourself slouching, remind yourself to maintain good posture by pushing your head and upper back into the backrest of the chair. 

Finally, keep in mind that good posture isn’t just about looking good, it’s about feeling good, too. Poor posture can make you appear shorter and less confident, whereas good posture exudes self-assurance, as evidenced by celebrities and their successful careers (learn more here). So, stand tall and perform your daily tasks intentionally, with your shoulders back and head held high.

Stay Motivated with Visual Cues

Consider making motivational wall art and posting it by your workstation as a reminder to maintain your posture. Motivational posters remind you of your goals, aspirations, and the importance of perseverance. They also have the potential to foster a more positive mindset and contribute to increased productivity and well-being. You can use images to enhance the message, so get started with a free online poster maker that will personalize wall art.

Improving your posture can do more than just make you look better. It can lead to less pain and injury, better sleep, and a boost in overall confidence. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine to achieve a healthier, happier you. Don’t forget to visit your chiropractor regularly, and keep your medical documents organized by converting them into PDFs. You’ll soon see the benefits of good posture in all aspects of your life. So, start today and get ready to stand tall and feel great.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

10 facts about Sixth Sense : Is it real ?

  1. In a normal individual, perception occurs through the five physical senses. Extrasensory perception (ESP) or sixth sense is a perception of the mind, perceived an event, circumstances, or prediction, through telepathy, clairvoyance or precognition. This is independent of the normal five sensory senses so it is regarded a paranormal ability. Through the centuries, from primeval times, many people, including sages, yogis and spiritual practitioners are believed to have mystical powers who have strong sixth sense.
  2. But then, is this real science? As far as science is concerned, there is no evidence of such extra senses in human. Many research projects in the past have been carried out to study if some people actually possess such extra sensory power. Some psychologists and philosophise are still undergoing studies to know more about this concept of extrasensory phenomena.

3. Several researches and authors like Rosalind Heywood, H. Osmond and many more have written several books on this subject with their own understanding of the perception. It is very hard to find scientific validity and physical explanation of such phenomena of extra sensory perception such as telepathy or clairvoyance or even precognition.

4. Sometimes intuition and extra sensory perceptions (ESP) or sixth sense are referred the same meaning. It is the psychological ability to sense something independently of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. Maybe, it is the ability of the individual based on deep understanding of the situation, the knowledge stored in the subconscious mind and the past experience.

5. Contrastive of today’s world, the primitive men were more instinctive and tuned with nature. Their level of awareness were as par with other living creatures and animals. It is this intuitive power which is slowly fading away from us. Because, our minds are caught up in this materialistic complexity.

Keeping science aside, most of us, do at sometime or someplace, get an inner sense of knowing of some event or information even before the actual occurrence. This is perhaps the kind of intuitive feeling that we still possess.

6. Different types of ESP experiences have been studied like telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, out of the body experiences and hauntings. Parapsychologists have been studying these psychic abilities through different experimental research.

7. The exact definition of each of the term may differ according to the understanding and apprehensions of individual.

Telepathy is sending information through one’s mind to another person.

Clairvoyance is an awareness without the physical presence of what’s going on somewhere.

Precognition is like predicting or foreseeing of a future information.

Out of body experience is traveling of the mind to a greater distance without actual movement of the physical self.

8. Though the presence of sixth sense in human has no scientific validation but other living beings like animals, fishes, birds, creatures like sharks, whales, or tiny ants do have sixth sense. Some animals like elephants or even dogs do get a sense in advance before a natural calamity.

9.Perhaps, unlike our ancestors , today human civilisation is more about technological advancement, modernization, stressful lifestyle, that we have moved very far from nature or simple natural occurrences. We hardly have time to observe in nature or the environment around us. Therefore, extrasensory perceptions or inner intuitive power are all vanishing from us slowly.

10. Sixth sense is a real ability or not, is yet to be proved in the scientific world. But as an individual, we all have been gifted with some natural abilities. It’s upto us to be more aware as individual and restore the very essence of being a human being. It’s time for us to let go once a while from this routine hustle bustle and be more calm, meditative to understand our inner self.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏

10 facts about Orexin 🧠

Hi everyone ✋

1.The lateral hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex produce a hormone called Orexin, also known as hypocretin. It is produced in two forms like Orexin A and Orexin B. It has various functions related to Central Nervous System. It helps in regulating important functions like sleep-wake cycle, arousal state, energy homeostasis, feeding behaviour, emotions, mood and cognition.

2.Sleep: Orexin is usually released in the daytime and keeps us awake. It stimulates those neurons which in turn help in the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and nor- epinephrine. In case of individuals with orexin deficiency, are usually diagnosed with narcolepsy, insomnia, sleep imbalance, daytime sleepiness and cataplexy.

3.Stress regulator: Orexin is highly responsive to environmental stimuli and our mood. When in stress situations ,the orexin neurons stimulate the body’s response to increase heart rate, blood pressure and disturb the resting state.

4.Obesity: It is a result of the influence of orexin-producing neurons on energy metabolism.Orexin deficiency in the body can lead to slowing down energy metabolism, physical inactivity, and excessive weight gain, even if the calorie intake is low.

5.Mood: Orexin has an influence on mood through its impact on the hippocampus. Abnormal orexin activity has been related to mental health conditions like depression, PTSD, anxiety and addiction. Deficits in orexin influence can result in hippocampus problems such as learning disability and memory deficits, as it also promotes the development of neurons in the hippocampus.

6.Narcolepsy: Orexin helps us stay awake during the day. So, people with orexin deficiency suffer from narcolepsy. They have daytime sleepiness and sleep paralysis. Mostly, these type of individuals can also suffer from cataplexy. The person is unable to move for a short time even if he is awake or about to fall asleep. It is usually occurs in a conscious state of mind and triggered by strong emotions like being angry, or laughing.

7.Alzheimer’s Disease: Several studies show that orexin has direct connection with sleep, cognition and as a stress regular. So it does play a significant impact on Alzheimer’s disease pathology. An increase level of orexin has been found in cerebrospinal fluid of people with Alzheimer’s. So, they usually have circadian cycle disorders, daytime sleepiness and cognition problems. However, researches are still going on for further prospectives of using orexin antagonist receptors as a potential treatment alternative.

8.Heart: Lack of sleep and insomnia have a direct impact on cardiovascular health and hypertension. Studies show that increased levels of orexin stimulation can elevate blood pressure and heart rate. Both orexin A and B receptors have a direct role in the regulation of sympathetic nervous system. Therefore orexin antagonist receptors might be a therapeutic option for hypertension.

9.Orexin levels: High levels of orexin may lead to sleep disorders, stress prone and eating disorders. But lack of orexin or loss of orexin in brain injury may lead to narcolepsy or other sleep disorders. The normal level of orexin found in cerebrospinal fluid in a healthy individual is around 250 – 500 pg/ml.

10.Food: Optimal level of orexin can be provided in a healthy individual by regular intake of fermented food like pickles or sauerkraut. Having excessive sugar or carbohydrate rich food can inhibit orexing production.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love 🙏