Post : Anger 😡👿

Hello Everyone, Have a wonderful Sunday ☀️☺️

My Sunday Inspiration :

Thanks for reading.

Take care. Much love to all 💐

Post: Why do people show off ? 4 interesting facts behind it

Why do people show off? Have I been a show-off myself ever in my life so far? Have you been a show-off sometimes? Let us think and introspect ourselves when and why do we have this behaviour maybe not often but sometimes? Is it good or bad?

So, this is an attempt to explore the facts and the psychology behind this behaviour which is a common thing to see in social circle.

Some weird but funny examples that people normally do to seek attention and show off in social circuit.

Social Media: In today’s time, social media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are some easy platform where a person can be the complete show-off. He/she puts up pictures to show off the glimpses of their extravagant lifestyle. Now and then, puts up his/her million-dollar car picture, jams up the account with his/her latest holiday destinations pictures, the expensive suite during a hotel stay and so on. This is not enough, some will put up their best pictures in the best outfits in the best locations. What more to show off, one can display his intellectual by putting up all his achievements and lists of degrees earned in social media. People keep looking out and count on for the every ‘like’ they get. You get almost addictive to social medial approval.

Centre of attention: In a group conversation, you try to seek attention by boasting about your achievements, fame, talent and money you have earned. Even if you are in a group of friends, you are not interested in any of their lives, you would only divert every conversation towards your work, your fame even your material possession. Such behaviours of people are not only annoying but even indicate the typical showing off behaviour of the person. Next time, you meet this person, you will either ignore him or keep a distance from him.

Putting up your best: Trying out to look smart and cool so that the crowd gives you attention. You carry your latest gadgets iPhone, MAC and so on, so that people notice you. You put up your best dress, shoes, accessory in a party so that people give you attention. But in reality, isn’t it funny or an insignificant behaviour to flaunt your latest stuff?

Constantly seeking for Compliments: In a social gathering wherever you go, you constantly lookout for people’s attention. You constantly seek out for people’s compliments, praise, applause so that your ego keep boosting up.

Looking down: Your ego and pride puffs up to such an extent that you look down on the friends who cannot effort what you can. You fail to acknowledge and respect them. You forget that they too deserve the same amount of respect and attention as you deserve.

Have we ever try to reason out why do we need to or people around us exhibit such annoying behaviour of showing off?

4 interesting facts :

1.Self-doubt: When do we need to show off? When we feel that others think negatively about us. When we feel that others don’t acknowledge our identity. When we have self-doubt about our presence in a social gathering or within a group of friends. We try hard to impress and seek attention in possible ways. Self-doubt is created when we have low self-esteem, low self-confidence and doesn’t believe in ourselves. It is an internal mental state. Instead of working on our mindset, we try to seek and desire for other people’s attention by our showing off behaviour. Maybe you don’t try to show off with everyone. But to those, with whom your self-doubt starts creeping.

2.Social acceptance: Maybe one of the reasons for ‘showing off’ behaviour is to get social acceptance. Maybe the intention is not all bad. The person just wanted to be accepted in a group of friends. The basic nature of a human being is to be social, in a community or a group. So, when a person does feel that he is still an alien to the group or the gathering, he may start showing off his intelligence, education degrees, talent, achievements or his material possessions to be accepted. You fail to forget that your simple kindness and soberness can get your more friends and social acceptance that ‘showing off’ or your bragging behaviour.

3.Insecurity: When you have some kind of insecurity, maybe with your looks, appearance, financial background or education or anything that bugs you. You try to hide and overshadow your insecurity by showing off. Such examples: A girl having some insecurity with her appearance, looks, will try to show off by putting up her cool dress or a bold statement in a gathering.

A person who had a very decent upbringing in childhood must have developed some insecurity towards his rich friends in school. When he grows up, he would show off his financial achievements or possession whenever he meets up with his friends. He becomes very conscious of his material possessions.

A young or a lonely child who grows up to be the family’s centre of attention will always try to seek attention or show off in a group even if he has grown into an adult now. He will try to seek attention always as he is used to such attention since childhood.

4.Self-importance: Everyone has a narcissistic trait. But some people have it more. They always like to feel superior or better than others. So in a group gathering or conversation, they consciously show off their intellect, boost their achievements. They carry their ego at the tip of their nose and desperately seek for compliments and praise.

The reality behind this mindset of ‘showing off’ behaviour is to impress others, to improve your image in front of others. The intention may not be bad but showing off behaviour can be very annoying and unpleasant. You would always avoid and ignore such a person when you meet him next time.
Therefore, seeking social approval should not go overboard. If you need social approval, you don’t need to show off, your simple kindness and good behaviour can win hearts.