10 facts to understand why glutathione is necessary ๐Ÿ™Œ

Hello everyone โœ‹

1.Glutathione is a naturally found antioxidant in our body. It is important to know about this powerful antioxidant because it has a host of many benefits. Its primary function is to fight free radical that damages body cells. Itโ€™s vital for the body because it helps to protect from many diseases like autoimmune diseases, liver damage, heart diseases, respiratory diseases and neurological disorders. As we grow older, the glutathione level slowly declines and the body marches towards poor health.

2.It is essential to maintain the level of glutathione in the body. If the level drops, certain symptoms may appear, such as anemia, fatigue, increased frequency of infections, low immunity status, sleep problems, and brain fog. To boost glutathione levels, it is recommended to consume sulfur-rich foods such as cruciferous vegetables, avocados, broccoli, spinach, garlic, and unprocessed meat. Several studies have indicated that consuming vitamin C can increase glutathione levels in the body. Therefore, it is important to consume citrus fruits, bell peppers, kiwis, and papayas regularly. Additionally, it is recommended to consume foods rich in selenium such as chicken, fish, eggs, Brazil nuts, and brown rice to maintain glutathione levels in the body.


3.Glutathione is a compound that is mainly composed of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. Our body naturally produces this compound, but its level decreases with age. In addition, chronic diseases, poor diet, stress, anxiety, and frequent infections can also contribute to the reduction of glutathione levels. Low levels of glutathione are commonly found in individuals suffering from chronic diseases such as heart and liver diseases, sepsis, trauma, HIV/AIDS, and cancers. The role of glutathione in the body is crucial because it helps to prevent free radical damage, repair cells, and facilitate protein synthesis. Moreover, glutathione can bind with toxic metals like arsenic, silver, lead, chromium, mercury, and copper, and help to reduce their toxicity.

4.Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that offers several health benefits. It can reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals and prevent the development of various diseases such as diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disorders, and rheumatoid arthritis. Glutathione can also help to reduce cell death and improve blood levels of protein, bilirubin, and enzymes in fatty liver diseases like alcoholic and non-alcoholic types. Additionally, it plays a significant role in maintaining mitochondrial DNA, which is necessary for building proteins and cells. Several studies have shown that glutathione can improve blood circulation and prevent plaque buildup, thereby improving peripheral arterial disease. It may also help to improve symptoms of tremors and rigidity in Parkinson’s disease, respiratory diseases, uncontrolled diabetes, autism in children, and psoriasis.

Glowing skin
Gut health

5.Various studies have demonstrated that glutathione has a significant role in preventing skin problems such as acne, eczema, wrinkles, and aging. It also helps in maintaining healthy and glowing skin. When the balance between good and bad microbiome in the gut is harmonized, the overall health of the body is improved, and the skin appears healthy and radiant. However, if the balance is disrupted, it leads to skin problems and other health issues, including bowel disturbances. Glutathione is instrumental in detoxifying the body, repairing cell damage, and maintaining a balanced gut health. Therefore, by improving the level of glutathione in the body, it is possible to resolve skin problems and many gut issues.


6.Low levels of glutathione can lead to a variety of health issues. While natural food sources are the best way to improve glutathione production in the body, supplements like vitamin C and E, curcumin, N-acetylcysteine, and selenium can also help. However, injectable supplements can be toxic and oral supplements are not very effective as they break down in the stomach. In cases of low immunity, glutathione is sometimes medically prescribed. In such cases, oral or injectable supplements may be recommended under medical supervision.


7.Certain lifestyle changes are essential to improve the glutathione levels in the body. Avoiding smoking, alcohol, too much dairy, caffeine and processed food is required to boost the levels in the body. Having a balanced diet, with good quality natural food sources, exercise and good sleep can improve the glutathione production in the body.

8.Glutathione levels are not typically measured in the body like essential nutrients, so research is still insufficient to understand the effects of low levels and supplement requirements. Studies do show that low levels can result from poor diet, stress, environmental toxins, and increasing age. Low levels of glutathione are associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, liver diseases, and Parkinsonโ€™s disease. However, supplementing with glutathione does not decrease the risk, so more studies are required to determine the optimal intake and its effects.

Milk thistle

9.Supplements of glutathione that are commercially available include Selenium, Vitamin C and E, milk thistle, and N-acetylcysteine. The dose of glutathione depends upon an individual’s age, sex, past medical history, and drug allergies. Studies have shown that glutathione is given at a range of 250 to 1000 mg/day in either injectable or inhalant forms. However, it is strictly advised to seek medical guidance before taking glutathione supplements since it can cause possible side effects. Some side effects like skin rashes, cramping, bloating can appear and inhalant glutathione might cause breathing problems too.

10.In brief, glutathione is a vital antioxidant that is naturally produced in the body and offers numerous benefits. A deficiency of glutathione can lead to the development of various chronic diseases, including cancer. As we age, the level of glutathione in our bodies naturally decreases. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of dietary sources that can help boost the natural production of glutathione in the body. If advised by a medical professional, supplements can also be taken to improve the levels of glutathione in the body.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love ๐Ÿ™

10 facts to know about stomach bloating ๐Ÿ™Œ

  1. Stomach bloating is usually feeling fullness, swelling or tightness around the abdominal region. The most common thought that comes to mind when you feel bloated is eaten too much, too heavy a meal or your stomach is filled with gas or air. Abdominal bloating is common both in adults, children and also in babies. The common symptoms of bloating can be pain, distention, belching, excessive gas causing flatulence and abdominal gurgles.
  2. Why do we feel bloated? Bloating commonly happens due to excessive gas or air. Sometimes, gas accumulates in the digestive tract due to the slow breaking down of the undigested food due to delayed emptying. This can give rise to bloating. Another common cause is air getting swallowed while eating or drinking too fast which gives the feeling of bloating.
Fizzy drinks

3.Gas is a very common cause of bloating. Drinking fizzy drinks or carbonated beverages causes swallowing of air which may give rise to bloating and disturb digestion causing pain and discomfort. Eating a heavy carbohydrate-rich meal causes difficulty in digesting tougher carbs like sugars such as fructose, lactose, sorbitol or wheat and beans. A considerable quantity of carbs remain undigested causing slow fermentation resulting in gas. The fermentation is caused by gut bacteria while digesting the carbohydrate.

4.Other causes can be constipation, heartburn, malabsorption of food, menstrual symptoms, impaired gut motility, and overgrowth of gut bacteria. There are many medical causes like irritable bowel disorder, parasitic infection, food intolerance, inflammatory bowel disorders like ulcerative colitis and Crohnโ€™s disease, Celiac disease, anorexia or bulimia nervosa, stress, anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalance in case of women.
Some life-threatening causes of abdominal bloating can be ascites in liver diseases, kidney failure, ovarian cancer, and perforation of the GI tract causing the gas to escape giving the symptom of bloating.

5.Bloating is a common symptom in a healthy individual every now and then. Usually, the symptoms of pain, fullness, and discomfort are moderate to severe. It can ease off within hours to 1-2 days normally. Mobility, mild exercise, and having water or herbal teas can slowly ease the symptom. In case of gas, flatulence and constipation, pooping can relieve the symptoms. But, if the condition worsens within days, medical attention is required for evaluation of underlying cause.

6.If the abdominal bloating has a specific cause like food intolerance or food sensitivity, avoiding the particular food or eliminating it from the diet is necessary. Certain food items like sugar food rich in high lactose, and fructose are difficult to digest and can result in intestinal gas and bloating. Food items like wheat, beans, dairy, cauliflower, cabbage, fatty food, fizzy drinks, processed food, beverages can lead to stomach bloating.

7.Bloating is a common problem in many women due to hormonal fluctuations. The female hormone estrogen can cause fluid retention in the body. During phases of estrogen high and progesterone drop, bloating is very common. Moreover, during menstruation, the uterus is already heavy due to fluid can cause stomach bloating. Therefore, in women, during perimenopausal phase and before or during monthly periods, stomach bloating is common. Hormonal birth control pills and oestrogen supplementation can relieve the symptoms with advice from medical experts.

8.Bloating is serious and requires medical attention when the symptoms worsen, continuous pain, bloody stools, fever, and vomiting occurs. Stomach bloating, when associated with physical injury, surgery, ascites in the liver or kidney failure requires medical help immediately. When the abdominal bloating and gas retention becomes chronic, the underlying cause needs to be investigated. As already mentioned before, when hollow organs like the stomach, intestines, gall bladder, uterus, and bladder are distended, they can be palpable and felt on physical examination. Causes like undigested items, fluid, intestinal gas, poop, urine, and internal bleeding in case of injury can be the probable reasons. Inflammation and bacterial overgrowth can also lead to enlargement of the hollow organs. The underlying problem needs to be thoroughly investigated.

9.However, prevention of abdominal bloating can be done if the individual does have this history of bloating quite often. In case of food sensitivity, or food intolerance, avoiding the particular food item is required. Taking long intervals between meals is helpful.
*Having fibres in diet to prevent constipation and easy passage of wastes.
*Drinking water to prevent dehydration,
*Reducing salt intake to prevent water retention,
*Regular exercise and walking.
*Taking probiotic supplements is also quite helpful.
*Some home remedies like apple cider vinegar and applying a warm pad on the stomach may sometimes work too.
*OTC medication like antacids to relieve gas, laxatives to relieve constipation or enema to have bowel motility can be useful too.

Carb rich foods

10.Bloating is quite common in a normal individual. If you have an episode of bloating, it is wise to identify and avoid the particular food item that leads to bloating. Normally, avoiding certain situations like havingโ€ฆ
*Salty food
*Fizzy drinks,
*Eating too fast should be avoided as it leads to swallowing air.
*Avoiding processed, carb-rich food,
*Fatty food,
*Avoiding alcohol, and smoking as they can create digestive issues .
Having a balanced meal with a bigger portion of fibre in the diet, intervals between meals, drinking plenty of water, and eating slowly can be helpful. Bloating is serious and needs medical attention when the symptom persists, accompanied by other symptoms like bloody stool, weight loss, loss of appetite and persistent pain abdomen. Once the cause is evaluated, treatment can be done accordingly.

Thanks for reading.

Peace and love ๐Ÿ™