5 important facts about Candida 🙌

Hello everyone ! Have a wonderful and safe day 🙋🏻

Important facts about Candida :

1.Candida is a group of yeast/fungi, comprising of many types. Out of which, 20% of them cause infection in the human population. The most common type is Candida Albicans. Candida typically resides in the human body, mainly in the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, respiratory tract and the skin. They do not cause any harm when the host’s (human body’s) defence mechanism is resistant enough. Specific health issues, poor nutrition or lifestyle changes can lower the immunity status, leading to this candida infection or Candidiasis.

2. When the host defence mechanism is weak, Candida, proliferates the mucous membrane of the GI tract, respiratory tract, genitourinary tract or the skin. It is usually prevalent, in about 80% of people, causing annoying infections or skin rashes. In about 15% of the cases, Candida can penetrate deeper tissue in the gut mucosa, causing severe health issues like Leaky gut syndrome. To know more about Leaky Gut syndrome, click the link https://atomic-temporary-162723897.wpcomstaging.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=3865&action=edit 

On rare occasions, Candida can spread systemically through the bloodstream and lymphatic tissue. Focal Candidiasis can be transmitted to the vital organs like brain, heart, kidney and can cause life-threatening conditions.

3. Different causes of Candidiasis can be:
a.Chronic health issues like diabetes, thyroid issues, cancers, AIDS and STDs.
b. In a weak immune system like in chemotherapy, radiotherapy.
c. High level of stress
d. Sleep deprivation
e. Individuals with drugs like antibiotics, steroid, birth control pills
f. Nutritional deficiency of vitamins, zinc, selenium.
g. Dietary causes like intake of sugary foods, processed food, alcohol, too much gluten (grains intake), lactose intake.
h. Environmental causes like heavy metal poisoning (mercury, lead), pesticides, cleaning agents, petroleum-based solvents.
i. Poor hygiene and wearing tight fitted clothing.

4. The symptoms are organ-specific can be single or multiple depending upon the severity.
a. Oral thrush, frequent sore throat, bleeding gums.
b. Skin rashes.
c. Nail infections.
d. Vulvovaginal candidiasis in females and Balanitis in males.
e. Systemic Candidiasis with a complicated, life-threatening situation in a small number of cases.
f. Gut issues like Leaky Gut syndrome.

5.The most crucial remedy is detoxifying the toxins from the body by making lifestyle changes, and dietary changes. Some of the treatments are:
a. Cleaning the gut from unfavourable foods like cutting down sugar and processed foods, low gluten (grain) intake, low dairy, no alcohol. b.Consuming more alkalizing food to avoid the acidic ph of the stomach.

c. Food preferences like green leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, arugula.
d.Low sugar fruits like coconut, citrus fruits like lime, lemon, Apple cider vinegar, and herbs and spices like garlic, ginger, oregano, cinnamon, cloves.
c. Supplements like Probiotics and vitamin C.
d. Antifungal drugs like Triazole /Imidazole as prescribed by a Physician.

f. Localized treatments like salt water or hydrogen peroxide mouth rinsing in case of oral thrush. Local application of coconut oil, oregano oil in case of skin infections.

g. Wearing loose fitting clothes preferably cotton in warm, moist weather.

Thanks for reading.

Blessings and much love to all 💐






6 important facts: Probiotics and SBO supplements 🙌

Hello everyone! Have a wonderful and safe day 🙋🏻


We know by now that our gut flora is full of the microbiome. It is this microbiome flora which maintains our health and wellbeing. Previously, nobody ever worried about this microbiome flora which is natural and responsible for our good health. But in today’s time, due to consuming highly processed, refined food, heavy toxins and pesticides in food, unhealthy lifestyle, artificial farming and hybrid products, environmental toxins, this gut microbiome flora is greatly affected. The overall health and immunity status of people have suffered much. As a result, many chronic health issues like chronic inflammation, inflammatory bowel diseases, autoimmune conditions, and cancers have increased.

In the past, food used to come directly from the soil. People lived closer to nature. Nowadays, whatever food is available in the Supermarket, are all cleaned, bleached grains, vegetables, fruits, and processed refined, packaged foods. Therefore, the gut microbiome flora is shrinking slowly. This is why more and more people are suffering from gut health issues and other chronic severe conditions.

6 Important facts about Probiotics and SBO supplements:

1. Probiotics are live organisms which are found in some natural foods. They are also available in the form of supplements. There are mainly two types: Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria. They have become very popular in recent times because they provide the gut microbiome flora with good bacteria, improve digestion, increase immunity, and improve overall health and wellbeing.

Probiotics are found naturally in fermented foods like:
Apple cider vinegar

3. Dairy-based probiotics are naturally found in yoghurt, especially in goat milk yoghurt and raw cheese. But, in processed cheese and poorly storage dairy products, probiotic bacteria get denatured. Sometimes, acidic ph in the stomach also can harm the good probiotic bacteria found in dairy. So, having dairy products may not provide enough probiotic in our body.

4. SBOs are soil-based organisms found in the soil, about 6 inches below the topsoil. They are found to be very beneficial to overall good health. To name a few, like Anthrobacter Simplex, Bacillus brevis and many more. Commercially grown plants and crops lack SBOs as they are no longer grown on the natural organic environment. So, SBO supplements are very much in demand.

5. SBO supplements are useful in improving overall immunity status, improving inflammation and digestion. Patients affected by chronic issues, or who undergo chemotherapy, SBOs supplements help improve gut functions and immunity status significantly.

6. While taking Probiotics and SBO supplements, one should start slowly and in consultation with a Physician. About 70%-80% of people can show marked improvement after taking supplements like improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and improving immunity. While some may show slow progress like the symptoms can slowly reduce. While there may not be any improvement or sometimes some people, there may have a negative impact. So the response is quite variable. The decision of using such supplements depends on the individual and his or her requirement. Otherwise, regular intake of natural sources of Probiotics can be very beneficial too.

Thanks for reading.

Blessings and much love to all 💐

Collagen Benefits 🙌


Hello everyone ! Have a wonderful and safe day 🙋🏻

Collagen is the most abundant protein found in our body. Most of the tissues including muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, fascia, arteries, cartilage, gut lining which constitute the immune system, skin, hair, nails in the body are all collagen. So,collagen is the important factor, which makes us look younger and maintain the overall physical beauty. Tissues mostly comprise of the extracellular matrix, a diverse mesh of protein and sugar. This matrix is consisting of the fibrous proteins, which is the collagen. As we age, the body produces less and less collagen. Nutritional deficiencies, eating junk foods, sedentary lifestyle all contribute to premature losing of collagens.

Structurally in the human body, there are at least 28 types of collagen, out of them, five types are the most prominent. Each of them functions differently and form building blocks of different tissues in the body.

Eating collagen-rich foods and supplements can slow down the degradation of collagen process in a significant way and protect the body from premature ageing, wrinkles, weak joints, organ damage and hair loss. Collagen is absorbed in the body in a hydrolyzed form, which can be easily assimilated and utilized by our body.

Significant benefits of consuming collagen-rich foods:

1.Supports the gut health, which mainly constitutes the immune system: The gut lining consists mostly of collagen. When the gut lining is weak or damaged, like in leaky gut syndrome, which is the root cause of many autoimmune conditions, collagen can be of great help. Consuming collagen-rich food can help in the repair and regeneration of the gut lining and supports the immune system and help to resolve many autoimmune conditions.

2. Supports Connective tissues: Mainly type 1 and 2 comprises of collagen which supports bones, joints, tendons, ligaments.

3. Benefits in overall beauty; Consuming collagen-rich food benefits skin, hair, nail as they are all made of collagen.

Important natural sources of collagen :

1.Berries: Out of all the berries, the blackberries are the richest source of anthocyanin, a compound, which helps to boost the production of collagen in the body. Ellagic acid found in berries prevents degradation of collagen: Another important compound, vitamin C found in berries is essential in collagen production.

2.Eggs: Egg white contains mainly amino acids Glycine and Proline, which mostly help to boost collagen production. The yolk contains fats and vitamin D, which also support the collagen in skin, bones and muscles.
3.Bone Broth: Broth is rich in hydrolyzed collagen from animal sources like chicken or beef, which boost the collagen production in the body.

4. Seafood: Oysters is rich in Zinc and copper, which helps and support in the formation of collagen. Wild fishes, like Salmon, is rich in Vitamin A, which trigger collagen production.
5.Saturated fats: Collagen production requires saturated fats from cheese, butter, olive oil, coconut oil and oily fishes.
6.Garlic: It is rich in sulfur which prevents the breakdown of collagen.

7.Citrus fruits: Vitamin C is vital in the production of procollagen, which is a precursor in collagen production.
8. Other critical sources are broccoli, fruits like mango, guava, pineapple, kiwi, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, beans are rich in amino acids and vitamin C, which promotes collagen production.

Thanks for reading.

Blessings and much love to all 💐



Is gluten bad ? 😇

Hello everyone ! Have a wonderful and safe day 🙋🏻


What is Gluten? Wheat is a grain that contains carbohydrate, protein and lots of nutrients. The protein found in wheat is called gluten. Gluten is also found in rye and barley. Gluten is not only used in bread, cakes, pizzas, pasta but also ketchup, sauces, spreads and even in some cosmetic products like lipsticks.


It is used widely in various products because it provides the structure and is an excellent stabilizing agent. Structurally, gluten contains a protein network of Glutenin and Gliadin. It also contains starch (carbohydrate) molecules and gas bubbles.


How the body reacts to gluten?
Generally, having a carbohydrate-rich diet spike up blood sugar, leading to various weight issues and insulin resistance. Whenever gluten enters the body, the body’s immune system mistaken them for foreign bacteria, and start reacting against the intruders (gluten particles). This immune response provokes inflammations. Typically, inflammation is temporary and is supposed to stop when the bacteria or foreign body is expelled. But when the process of inflammation becomes chronic, every organ system is affected, and various diseases may occur over time.

There is another effect of gluten concerning the body. Zonulin is a protein which is naturally present in our body which modulates the Intestinal barrier functions. It maintains the permeability of the tight junctions in the intestinal lining, preventing any particles from the gut to leak into the bloodstream. Gluten is found to interfere in the function of Zonulin. This phenomenon was first discovered by a great researcher Alessio Fasano. He has also found that the modern variety of wheat, which are hybrid types, affecting human health is on the rise. Therefore, the human body is not equipped to eat a massive amount of gluten every day. So, having more and more gluten is taking a toll on the health of many people.

Coeliac disease or celiac disease

Celiac disease: In Celiac disease, the body’s immune system reacts strongly to the gluten particles causing a damaging effect on the small intestine. The leaky gut syndrome is quite common in these cases. The symptoms are mainly chronic diarrhoea, abdominal distention and pain, brain fog, joint pain and weight loss. The incidence of Celiac disease is increasing day by day. Many of the cases remain undiagnosed, which may end up in other types of Autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases or even cancers. The condition can be screened by a blood test and small intestinal biopsy. Such people are strictly recommended for a gluten-free diet.


Gluten sensitivity: Another condition emerging is Gluten sensitivity. Such condition is also called Non-Celiac disease gluten sensitivity because these people are negative of Celiac disease. When gluten is removed from their diet, most of the symptoms get resolved. Researches are still going on to confirm the actual cause of immune response in these people. If not gluten, maybe other triggers like fructans (starch) molecules called FODMAPs can be the reason. These cases are challenging to diagnose.


Gluten-free diet: When we walk down the aisle of a Supermarket, we get to see plenty of products with gluten-free tags. Not all gluten-free products are healthy. Since gluten is removed, they use other binding agents or synthetic compounds to compensate for the structure and palatability of the product. Moreover, a gluten-free diet is found to have low micronutrients like folate and iron. So, a gluten-free diet should be adopted only if clinically advised.

Gluten-free for whom?
Celiac disease; People diagnosed with Celiac disease should ultimately adopt a gluten-free diet.
Gluten sensitivity: May benefit from a gluten-free diet but should make arrangements to compensate for nutritional deficiencies.

People like rest of us who have no regular symptoms or never had prominent abdominal issues can have gluten in a fair amount in the form of whole-grain food as long as we have a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Thanks for reading.

Blessings and much love to all 💐
