Immunity : 8 signs to indicate that your immunity is intact 🙌

Hello everone ! Have a wonderful and great day 🙋🏻

1.You have a bodyweight within the range of average weight, according to the height and not being overweight.
2.You have a routine, regular bowel habit.
3.You have clean and clear skin.
4.You get up fresh and remain energetic. There is an absence of laziness.
5.Experiencing a sense of hunger once or twice a day.
6.You don’t have general body ache except with injury or heavy exercise.
7. You experience a sense of wellbeing and generate positive thoughts.
8. You experience deep sleep at night.

These are general signs that indicate that your body is functioning optimally and your immunity is intact. Our body’s immunity and vitality is not acquired by having a glass of smoothy, or daily going to the gym and having a load of supplements. It is the result of what you eat, how you think and how you live.

Three simple ways to build up a strong immunity is:

1.Fasting: Fasting is the simplest and easiest way of building your immunity. Ideally,15 to 16 hours of fasting every day are good enough. It is also the easiest way of losing weight. Having everyday dinner at around 6-7 PM, and not having any meal or snacks in between except water. Then, followed by having breakfast, the next morning around 10 to 11 AM gives you fasting of at least 16 hours quickly.

2. Food: Having food which is as much as close to Mother Nature. Fruits and vegetables, in their natural form or cooking minimum to restore their nutritional value. Preferable having a one-grain meal a day like brown rice or whole wheat and having meals (1-2 times /per day) with enriched portions of fibres, healthy saturated fat, protein and carbohydrate. It is necessary for avoiding processed, refined food altogether. Limiting the intake of beverages, alcohol and having more water, instead is ideal.

3. Mind and body care: Exercising every day is a must. Instead of heavy workouts in the gym, simple exercises like walking in nature, running, jogging are ideal. Physical activity throughout the day is good enough to give you a good night sleep. It is essential to maintain a positive attitude and a calm mind, to keep stress at bay. So, meditation, yoga, mindfulness practices, spiritual practices helps to build a positive and healthy mind.

Thanks for reading.

Blessings and much love to all 💐




22 thoughts on “Immunity : 8 signs to indicate that your immunity is intact 🙌

    1. Yes, absolutely true. Infact, fasting has loads of amazing benefits like autophagy.
      Thank you so much for your kind response. I will surely visit your blog 👍
      Have a great day too !


  1. Thanks for that wonderful information. Some new things like fasting to loose weight, is a strange thing to me. It’s new, it’s fresh.. thanks… keep the good work and may the Almighty God bless you and keep you


    1. Yes, in the day time, lunch is in usual hour’s. I have suggested the long hours of interval between the evening dinner followed by the next day breakfast.
      Anyway, thank you so much for your kind response.


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