Overthinking: 10 ways to stop 🙌

Hello everyone ! Have a wonderful and safe day 🙋🏻

Thinking is what makes us the most intelligent species on this planet. It is this thinking what drives us to learn, study, analyze. Thinking makes us competent and innovative and help us to perform a task or job. But, when thinking becomes out of control, nagging and overtime, then, we start creating problems for us. As a habit, overthinking is not uncommon. We all may have it to some degree, more or less. Some realize it and correct it while others may be so drawn to it, which may lead to toxic consequences like anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies and insomnia.

Ten simple ways to stop overthinking on a day to day basis:

1.Awareness: Before you can change the habit or develop a strategy, it is essential first to be aware of this habit of your mind. Whenever a thought lingers you, there is also some emotion attached to the thought. You start imagining worst possible scenario because the mind tends to think about the negative first. Maybe, this is from the time of evolution of our species, to foresee a potential danger first. So, imagination causes the mind to be strained and anxious. An anxious mind keeps brooding again and again. So, being aware of this state of mind is a fundamental key to change.

2.Reshaping your thought process: Instead of avoiding the thought or running away from it, start to reshape your thinking to a positive one. Instead of imagining the worst scenario, imagine the best scene. Instead of brooding onto the fear, create a strategy and achievable goals.

3.Change your Perspective: This is important because overthinking is ground to fear of losing or failure. So, instead of thinking on the negative terms, start thinking on the time frame—prioritize the perspective. Whether the thought or emotion do hold any value in your future, maybe five years from now or perhaps just next month.

4.Distracting the mind constructively: Many people tend to overthink when they are alone or lonely. So, it is essential to do things or develop hobbies to keep your mind occupied and let out the emotions like painting, dancing, photography, gardening, playing an instrument or even jolting down the thoughts.

5.Perfection: Aiming to be perfect is just not done. This will lead to unnecessary anxiety or stress. Instead, focussing on your progress and growing day by day is the more practical approach.

6.Overcome fear: Fear comes with failure in the past or with a bad experience in the past. But, having a past loss, doesn’t mean you will have the same outcome every time.
7.Realize the truth: The truth is that we cannot predict the future. Future is associated with an element of uncertainty. So, instead of thinking and worrying about the end, it is wiser to focus on the present moment. Focus on all the positive aspects of your life, which makes you joy and cheerful.

8.Accept your worthiness: Overthinking is usually associated with fear of failure, that you are not good enough, not worthy of success. Keep yourself reminding that you are good enough; you are capable enough to accomplish all your goals.
9.Be grateful: Living in gratitude is the most important view in life. We should never forget to be thankful for the life we lead, being able to breathe and for the things and loved ones we have around.

10 Last but not least, the physical body affects the mind and vice versa. So, regular exercise, meditation, walking in nature all help profoundly to keep a healthy mind with a healthy body.

Thanks for reading.

Blessings and much love to all 💐


Post: Daily Emotional Fitness Scheme❤️: Mine and can be yours too.

Hello everyone. Have a great Monday 🙋🏻


Physical fitness is not enough. A state when you are physically light and look fit but emotionally drained and heavy. This is not a healthy state of affair. Therefore, give yourself another chance every day to grow, build and improve yourself and present the world with the best version of yourself.


7 ways of Daily emotional fitness program :

1. Attitude: Take life as it is. Take each experience at each moment like it. Analysing and overthinking makes it good or bad.
2. Breathing: It is important to do deep breathing ( around 10 times) both morning and evening. Deep breathing calms down the brain and relieves us from tension and stress.

3. Creativity: Every day, learn, create, understand new things, new ideas. This way, we create new neural pathways. Memorizing new things, old lessons do refreshes the memory too.

4. Laugh: Laugh as much as you can. Laughing not only lighten up the mood but also releases happy hormones and keep stress in check.

5. Forgive yourself and another: Forgiving yourself often is important because it reduces the emotional baggage that you carry for something or the other. Forgiving others is equally important because we don’t know what the other person is going through.

6.Maximum Nourishment: Try eating healthy every day. Eating healthy not only influences your physical health but also your mental wellbeing.

7: Be grateful: Last but not least, being grateful for everything you have. Being grateful for every moment and every breath, I live. Being surrounded by people whom I love. And, there are a lot more reasons to be grateful for. Acknowledge them.

Thanks for reading.

Blessings and much love to all💐