Post: Don’t we lose patience sometimes ? But yes, patience is important. 5 realisations.

In my life, I have realized whenever I have disappointed myself, it’s not for any reason but only because of my lack of patience. I have realised it a number of times that I end up making wrong decisions only due to my hasty approach. I did suffer a lot in the past in a number of aspects of my life. Slowly I have started realising my drawback. Since then I am working on my own patience skill.🀞

Wherever we go, whatever task we do, or whichever relationship we are into, need time and patience to come to an outcome. Starting from our daily routine, getting stuck in the traffic jam, waiting in a queue, performing a task, a baby crying, boss yelling, quarrel with a loved one, all of them require our patience skillπŸ‘πŸ˜₯

Therefore, patience is very important in life. 5 realisations:

1.Compassion: Patience helps you become compassionate towards others. If you want peace, hassle-free life, you need to be empathetic towards others. Instead of reacting, or getting irritated towards the other person, with patience, you can understand him/her and settle down in peace. Instead of reacting towards a cranky baby, you can remain sober, compassionate. Patience helps you become more tolerant and accepting πŸ™‚

2.Relationship: In any kind of relationship, we react very fast. With patience, instead of reacting, being defensive, if you understand the person’s perspective, remember his/her positive qualities, take enough time to respond. Things turn out differently. A relationship grows more mature.πŸ™‚ .Impatience can damage a relationship based on hasty decisions.

3.Talent becomes a success: In life, if you have a talent, skill, you need to nurture it slowly and steadily with patience. Great things take time. In spite of ups and downs, patience will help you sail through. With perseverence and patience, giving enough time and effort, you can develop into a success story. πŸ™Œ

4.Healthy: In life, with full of stress, anxiety, patience helps you to be non-judgemental, understand a situation better and give clearer thoughts. Therefore, taking the right decisions, responding calmly in any circumstances gives no frustration, anger, stress and help lead a healthy peaceful life. πŸ‘

5.Good attitude: Keeping patients doesn’t only mean waiting for a long time, or waiting for the right moment but instead waiting with the right kind of attitude🀘🏻. In life, certain situations are challenging, persisting, struggling through a long haul. Patience helps you build a positive approach, an optimistic attitude through the struggle to achieve the goals or whatever you desired.✌️

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